[2024] ODIN: Open Data In Neurophysiology: Advancements, solutions & challenges
Gillon CJ, Baker C, Ly R, Balzani E, Brunton BW, Schottdorf M, Ghosh S, Dehghani N
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[2024] The OpenScope Databook: Reproducible system neuroscience notebooks to facilitate data sharing and collaborative reuse with open science datasets (v1.2.0)
Ager K, Akella S, Bawany A, Bennett C, Dichter B, Ghosh S, Gillon CJ, Halchenko Y, Hulsey D, Jaramillo S, Jia X, Kim Y, Kiselycznyk C, Lecoq J, Mathis M, Peene RC, Prince S, Pina J, Shin H, Siegle J, Song J, Tseng S-Y, Westerberg J,
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[2024] Responses to pattern-violating visual stimuli evolve differently over days in somata and distal apical dendrites
Gillon CJ, Pina JE, Lecoq JA, Ahmed R, Billeh YN, Caldejon S, Groblewski P, Henley TM, Kato I, Lee E, Luviano J, Mace K, Nayan C, Nguyen TV, North K, Perkins J, Seid S, Valley MT, Williford A, Bengio Y, Lillicrap TP, Richards BA, Zylberberg J
Journal of Neuroscience
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[2024] Stimulus information guides the emergence of behavior-related signals in primary somatosensory cortex during learning
Panniello M, Gillon CJ, Maffulli R, Celotto M, Richards BA, Panzeri S, Kohl MM
Cell Reports
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[2023] Learning predictive signals within a local recurrent circuit
Asabuki T, Gillon CJ, Clopath C
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[2023] Responses of pyramidal cell somata and apical dendrites in mouse visual cortex over multiple days
Gillon CJ, Lecoq JA, Pina JE, Ahmed R, Billeh YN, Caldejon S, Groblewski P, Henley TM, Kato I, Lee E, Luviano J, Mace K, Nayan C, Nguyen TV, North K, Perkins J, Seid S, Valley MT, Williford A, Bengio Y, Lillicrap TP, Zylberberg J, Richards BA
Scientific Data
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[2021] Parallel inference of hierarchical latent dynamics in two-photon calcium imaging of neuronal populations
Prince LY, Bakhtiari S, Gillon CJ, Richards BA
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[2019] A deep learning framework for neuroscience
Richards BA, Lillicrap TP, Beaudoin P, Bengio Y, Bogacz R, Christensen A, Clopath C, Costa RP, de Berker A, Ganguli S, Gillon CJ, Hafner D, Kepecs A, Kriegeskorte N, Latham P, Lindsay GW, Miller KD, Naud R, Pack CC, Poirazi P, Roelfsema P, Sacramento J, Saxe A, Scellier B, Schapiro AC, Senn W, Wayne G, Yamins D, Zenke F, Zylberberg J, Thérien D, Körding KP
Nature Neuroscience
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[2017] The role of the RNA demethylase FTO and mRNA methylation in hippocampal memory formation
Walters BJ, Mercaldo V, Gillon CJ, Yip M, Neve RL, Boyce FM, Frankland PW, Josselyn SA
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[2016] Advanced in-vivo use of CRISPR/Cas9 and anti-sense DNA inhibition for gene manipulation in the brain
Walters BJ, Azam A, Gillon CJ, Josselyn SA, Zovkic IB
Frontiers in Genetics
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[2016] Adult NG2-glia are required for median eminence-mediated leptin sensing and body weight control
Djogo T, Robins SC, Schneider S, Kryzskaya D, Liu X, Mingay A, Gillon CJ, Kim JH, Storch K-F, Boehm U, Bourque CW, Stroh T, Dimou L, Kokoeva MV
Cell Metabolism
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